
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Who are you online?

CommonSense Media has many lesson plans online to teach digital learning to students. I examined the lesson Who Are You Online?; a lesson designed for high school students about how students represent themselves online. I think this lesson was a great way to show students the differences between online and offline personas and how people can choose to represent themselves differently online. That gives students a valuable lesson in internet safety and being careful who they trust on the internet. Overall I really liked this unit of lessons but I'm not sure how practical it would be in an English classroom. If I chose to use a blog or some other form of social media in a lesson, it would be helpful to give an abbreviated version of this lesson. Otherwise, I'd have to spend some time examining the Virginia SOLs to make sure that this unit would fit into the state requirements.

1 comment:

  1. I read a similar lesson plan about Self-Expression and Identity on the internet. I agree that it seems hard to incorporate into an English classroom, but I think that it is great that these lessons are available online, and as students continue to put more of their identities on the internet, I think every school should feel responsibility in teaching some sort of online awareness course. Especially with online bullying, etc., a lot of what goes on online is then perpetuated in classrooms, hallways and lunch rooms of schools, so I think our awareness as teachers will help regulate and hopefully influence students to make positive choices online.

    By the way, I love your layout & font, very cute!!

