Much of the discussion of VTS centers around using artistic images and teaching students in an art class. I think the techniques behind this idea can easily be implemented in an English classroom. Let's say I was teaching Hamlet for example. There are literally millions of artistic renderings from this play that can be used in the classroom. In undergrad, I spent a whole month one semester discussing various portraits of Ophelia's drowning. These images can be shown to students in two ways:
1. In conjunction with their reading, to provide visual enhancement for the text. This might make things easier for some students to understand.
2. As foreshadowing for what is about to occur in their reading. For example, if the following image is shown before the students read about Ophelia's suicide the students can be asked who they think this woman is, why she is floating, what caused this, etc.
I think there is a very important place for visuals in the classroom and the techniques and methods of VTS can assist teachers to find the best way to incorporate these ideas into their teaching.